Many of you have felt the pull on your heart to help the people of Ukraine & many of you have.  The world over, throughout all time, people reach out & help others, even strangers in faraway lands.  If you would still like to help, there is another way…  Below is copied & pasted from an email I received this week.
– Eric

My name is Veronika, I’m a Ukrainian born and raised, and I’ve lived in the USA since 2014.

I’m personally organizing an Art Print fundraiser in support of Ukraine. It’s called VDOMA – which means “at home” in Ukrainian.

(I’m based in Buffalo and I’m organizing this initiative from here. All prints are also made in Buffalo!)

Absolutely 100% of all profits will be donated to local Ukrainian charities and volunteers.

A lot of effort went into this project, and more than 50 artists are participating! The online pre-order sale will only last two weeks, through April 29th, and I worry that I won’t be able to reach enough people for it to matter.

I’m reaching out to ask if you’d like to purchase a few prints for your store as a way to support this initiative.

Here is the link to the website:


Printable posters:

Thank you for any support you can give to this initiative!

Hope to hear from you soon,