With no art shows in the foreseeable future, where can I see and purchase local art? At Picture Your Walls in Hamburg. As an effort to help local artists during this very difficult time, Picture Your Walls will not take any commission on unframed paintings or prints sold during the months of June and July 2020.

Picture Your Walls has always been known as a place for WNY artists to show and sell their work. With the history of the company connected to Thelma Winter, a local, prolific artist from Eden, you could say it’s their DNA, or at least their love for art, or their love for supporting local artists.

You can still find some of Thelma’s signed, limited edition prints and a few of her original paintings at Picture Your Walls.You are also able to acquire any of the many Thelma prints, in any of her sizes, that are offered on her website (http://thelmawinter.com/) through Picture Your Walls.

Now, in addition, you can find a wide variety of styles and sizes and mediums in the Picture Your Walls gallery, such as:

  • abstract art from an immigrant from Cuba
  • acrylic, detailed paintings of natural beauty
  • professional, fine art photographers™ prints
  • iconic sports photos of WNY teams from a hall of fame photographer
  • architectural, pencil sketches of WNY landmarks
  • underwater photographs from avid scuba divers
  • watercolor paintings and prints from a variety of artists
  • photographs of from amateur photographers of many scenes from around WNY and the world
  • an original and a few prints from a world renowned artist, plus access to his studio in the country
  • embellished canvas prints and other work from another WNY recognized professional artist that gets his inspiration from dreams and his imagination
  • panoramic photos of WNY, Hamburg and other locales from a professional photographers with much of his work at stock photo sites
  • impressionist paintings and prints from various artists
  • glass etching, lithography and other unique print methods
  • original paintings of from Ann Klaus…the artist relative that inspired Thelma
  • a vast collection of original pencil sketches from a professional artist drawn on the battlefields of WWII and from around the globe when he served as a merchant marine…a collection you have to see to believe.

At present, there are over 30 WNY artists’ work on display at Picture Your Walls. Most are professionals, while others are still learning and growing their gift, their talent, their passion.

From the beginning, Picture Your Walls has charged the artists nothing to have their work on display; only asking a commission on every sale. The few requirements Picture Your Walls asks of the artist, are:

  • all work on display must be for sale and at the same price as sold elsewhere (i.e., the artist’s website)
  • pay PYW a commission on every sale…the rate is negotiable
  • if a person later purchases art direct from the artist and they mention they saw the artist’s work at PYW, the commission is still paid

Finally, you may ask, how and who chooses what art and artist is brought into Picture Your Walls?  Many factors go into that decision, but it is fair to say, all artists are welcome to present their work to Eric and his team and they will decide as a jury. They would love to be able to bring in all artists™ paintings and/or prints, however space and past commitments will not allow.